02/07/2019 Internet Banking Payment Haven Derek R100
(derek to go to haven and collect and handout ) Isaac manager sent POP 02/07/2019 Internet Banking Payment Haven Psc Jason R50 (jason to go to haven and collect) Isaac manager sent POP __________________________________________________________________________________ 4 DISTRIBUTION METHODS see statement updated end of each month here please note we have several methods distributing funds Also see our account statements 1) EFT payment to Haven ( indiviuals then collect allocated tickets 2) collecting folk and taking them to Haven for lunch by car .see our BLOG 3) MUIZENBURG FOOD PACKS since haven cannot provide average more than 3-4 meals extra per meal we provide food packs with our own volunteers 4)FISH HOEK FOOD PACKS we channel funds to one or two food outreaches we work wih , Once you have donated your welcome to contact us for private nos of concerned (but names/descriptions are shown on our account statement or you can contact us if youd rather give them food but they do not have resources ot collect. you must take it to them please.