Kuilsrivier brackenfell and durbanville
meal points for more info on meal times
contact 021 945 8028 MES SPACE SPACE
help them with donations please
with emergency shelters still pending they are far over budget and over capacity
Donations can be made to:
Account holder: MES CAPE TOWN
Account number: 4058062432
Branch: 632005
Swift code: ABSAZAJJ
Donation ref: CovidHelp
meal points for more info on meal times
contact 021 945 8028 MES SPACE SPACE
help them with donations please
with emergency shelters still pending they are far over budget and over capacity
Donations can be made to:
Account holder: MES CAPE TOWN
Account number: 4058062432
Branch: 632005
Swift code: ABSAZAJJ
Donation ref: CovidHelp