STRAATWERK - OLDEST NGO in cape town Providing work FOR 150 HOMELESS in CBD SEAPOINT GREENPOINT6/24/2018 here are 150 +- a day homeless people employed by straatwerk in Greenpoint. they also operate in CBD Seapoint . This is one their tasks- Straatwerk and Marc Truss of GPCID organized for the graffiti, poster s, stickers and strings along Main Road from Buitengracht to Glengariff to be cleared yesterday (Sat 23 June 2018 )
One can see with Straatwerks proper structure, businesses or anyone could hire Straatwerk homeless for many different services. Who is interested in helping publicise straatwerk work more and bring attention to what they could do in the peninsula ? Wish our volunteers had the time we are so involved already .. ..I know them well but dont have the time . Operational managers and Admin are ex homeless from zimbabwe who straatwerk helped off the street .. Pandukai Mafungaafung Tembe Chirume Stephen Besa Capetowns oldest NGO (20 years ) providing work for homeless people in greenpoint. Straatwerk have wanted ot work in the peninsula for some time but so far no support has been forthcoming. Seems greenpoint and seapoint ,,as much as they are criticised in some quarters are still way ahead of the peninsula in this respect. Employing about 150 homeless folk a day in CBD greenpoint and seapoint .. but also with not enough public support to pay as many salaries as they would like to and perhaps soclai workers though they do provide assistance to their folk for SASSA grants etc . Its always left to the a few organisations to sponsor them Improvement districts etc..where are the public ? ..wish we could bring them and other orgs also creating work like U turn and streetscapes to peninsula but it will need volunteers to help motivate this . We volunteers have limitations and are very stretched . Thats why we started our group It would need letters of motivation to council for premises , to improvement districts and ratepayers in various suburbs peninsula , to create public meeting swhere they could talk + collaboartion with local hardware businesses for things like paint and tools so on etc etcwho is up for helping us do this ? :) email us please